Gordon College Students Visit - 11/11/18
It's our pleasure that Dr. Jennifer Hevelone-Harper, Chair of the Department of History at nearby Gordon College, brings her students each year to experience Orthodox Divine Liturgy. This year, after services Dr. Hevelone-Harper and her students joined us for a pasta lunch (prepared by two Gordon alumni) and a talk by Fr. Spyridon.
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Metropolitan Hilarion Visit - June 2018
Metropolitan Hilarion Visited in June 2018
Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside of Russia, joined us for our Parish Feast Day of St. John the Russian on Friday evening, June 8 for Vigil and Saturday, June 9 for Divine Liturgy.
We are grateful for his visit. Eis polla eti Despota!
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Harvest Party - 10/29/17
On Sunday, children and adults gathered on the "big grass" for some fall fun! Children played traditional relays (potato sack and egg and spoon) as well as bobbed for apples, ate donuts from strings, painted pumpkins and made smores. It has been a few years since we had our last Harvest Party, and pray that this is a tradition that stays!
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St. John the Russian Feast and Anniversary - 06/10/17
On June 10, 2017, our parish celebrated its 40th anniversary in conjunction with Fr. Spyridon's 40th annivarsary of his ordination into the priesthood. Metropolitan Jonah celebrated a hierarchical liturgy with brother clergy. Dcn. Photios was ordained during this liturgy. We invited friends and family and the parish hosted a feast following liturgy. This beautiful event brings with it new life and hope for our growing parish.
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